On my success . . .

I just had to post this. I know I'm not due for another one of my 101 updates until the end of the month, but I have achieved a goal that has been a battle for me. I have lost 10 pounds! Woo to the hoo! It took me FOREVER, but the 10 pounds (plus some) is GONE! YAY, ME! So, I will happily check that off the list now, and if at the end of this year, that weight is still gone, I can check off my "Keep it off for 6 months" goal.

How on earth did it come off? I started watching what I ate. REALLY watching. I still allow myself a couple of splurge meals a week (like tonight's dinner at Trio's. YUM.), but I have to be careful the rest of the time. Plus, I started doing less walking and more running. I'm up to even circuits of walking/running now, and soon, I hope to be running MORE than I'm walking.

Anyway, I was just super-proud of myself and thought I had earned the right to brag a bit. All of my clothes are fitting better now, and I just feel better, overall.
