Dance Machine, Part II

Ok, I have news. Remember my heinous dance audition for New Stage's production of Smokey Joe's Cafe a while back? Well, they must be really desperate, because the director has called me back to sing/read this week. Dear Lord.

The really sad part is, I would love to do it. But since returning to full-time work this month, I don't think there is any way that I will have time to do a show. (Especially in the summer, which is a very busy time for my full-time job.)

And I HATE that. Because I really wanted to sing "I'm a Woman." Or at least "Trouble." (Because I totally am. Trouble, that is.) And I would have rocked those songs.


I can't think of anybody in town who could do that part better. Maybe the Bradshaw lesser could entertain himself in the Hughes Room while you rehearse.
Sandi said…
Talk to your hubby about it. It's a lot of work, but if it's a childcare issue, I'm sure he would back you. You'd be great in this.
Supermom said…
Albeit disappointing, I admire you for realizing your time restraints.

'Tis better to do a few jobs really well, than to do many jobs really poor.
Nicole Bradshaw said…
Yeah, I'm decent about knowing my limitations.

I can't work a full-time day job, plus a night job, plus feel like I'm getting to see/spend any time with my son and hubs. I'm only one little woman!

Even though it would be temporary, I think it'd be long enough for me to go crazy. And feel guilty. And be totally exhausted.

Not a good idea . . .
I totally understand you not wanting to do it due to time issues. I am currently directing four plays at school (yes, FOUR. A musical and three one acts....yes, I am totally NUTS), I am teaching full time and am preggers and have a hubby and house to clean. It is all so much fun, but WHEW. Like you said...only one little woman.