The agony and the ecstasy

I love spring. How I love spring. The daffodils peeping their bright little faces out in a cheery row. The irises exploding in purples and bright whites. The forsythia, the puffy white pear blossoms, the warmer temperatures and longer days.

And the pollen. Lord, the pollen.

The truth is that, while spring is one of my absolute favorite seasons, I have developed yucky pollen allergies as I've gotten older. And the pollen? It is freakin' EVERYWHERE. My car has a yellow sheen. As we rake pinestraw, yellow clouds rise from the lawn. I spent most of today in a sneezing, teary mess. And the really sad part is that today was a beautiful day, probably one of the nicest we've had so far.

And you know how I love to garden and putter around in the back yard. And swing in the hammock. And booger so loves to play outside. I go with him, but I have to tote a box of Kleenex. Very uncool.

I took a Zyrtec this morning, but it apparently had no affect. Any ideas?
