Escape Artists

If you've been on social media at all in the past five years, you've likely seen them - photos of a group of people, all holding signs that either indicate success or failure. These groups of people have been either triumphant or defeated, depending on their performance at an escape room. Escape rooms have popped up EVERYWHERE, and their degree of complexity and spectacle varies. They've even made their way to the Jackson area.

Until recently, I'd never signed up for an experience like this. But hubs expressed an interest in trying his hand at one, so we grabbed little man and some friends and gave it a go. We chose the EnterLocked escape experience in Ridgeland, Mississippi. They offer several different rooms to choose from, and we selected The Temple.

Basically, you get an hour in the puzzle room to find clues, unravel the mystery, and solve all of the riddles. You can call out to the game masters for three clues during your hour, but other than that, you're on your own.

This was so fun! Some of the puzzles were really complex, and it was fun to solve the riddles together. We used ALL of our clues, but we still didn't "escape"!

Now that I understand how these rooms work, I think I'd be better prepared for my next attempt. It's important to ask your game attendant *before* going into your experience more questions about your room - Is this a more sensory experience? Or is it more traditional puzzles? Would you say this room is about words, numbers, or spatial puzzles? Some general direction like this would have helped us on the front end.

As it was, though, we had a great time, even if we WERE locked forever in the hidden temple! I'd love to take another run at a different scenario!
