Halloweening Hard

I love Halloween. It's one of my absolute favorite holidays. In college, one of my majors was theatre precisely because I love pretending to be someone else every now and again.

And I love dressing up. I may or may not have a few big trunks of various costumes that I've bought over the years. I hold onto them so that I can wear them again from time to time, you know, when I need them. And folks, I use them.

Take this year, for example. I decided I'd be Mary Poppins for Halloween, and hubs signed on as the cutest chimney sweep EVER. But I could hardly just wear my Mary Poppins costume on Halloween night, right?

In the weeks leading up to Halloween, I noticed that the Mississippi Museum of Art was hosting a chalk art festival, complete with food trucks, a display of Inktober sketchbooks, and special vendors. What a perfect place for Mary to find a sidewalk chalk picture to jump into! I sweet-talked a friend into going with me at the last minute and found all sorts of trouble! Fun!

I also discovered online that the  gorgeous local rooftop bar at the Old Capitol Inn was hosting some costume nights the week before Halloween. Instead of hitting the town as Mary Poppins again, I figured this was the perfect opportunity to dive into my costume collection and re-use a favorite. The Queen of Hearts sipped goblintinis along with another sweet friend (Caron was itching to re-use her 1920's dress, anyway!), watching the sun set over the rooftops of downtown Jackson on an absolutely perfect night. (I mean, if you can CHOOSE who to be as you enjoy a cocktail and watch the light fade over your kingdom, you may as well pick royalty, right?)

And because I'm unbelievably lucky, one of my co-workers has a HALLOWEEN BIRTHDAY!! We decided to do our usual team breakfast in costume. Hence my third costume for this year - an old costume of my husband's. I was a fierce Viking digging into over-easy eggs, toast, and a fruit cup. (We also had a Hello Kitty, a rocker, and a really really amazing swamp witch.)

For Halloween night, it was back into Mary Poppins, where we delighted the trick or treaters who came to the house! Most of them instantly recognized us, with one smaller boy asking, "Are you supposed to be the old Mary Poppins or the new one?" When I told him I was the old one, he nodded sagely, saying, "She's the best one." Indeed!

I'm already cooking up ideas for next year's costume!
