I Believe in Santa

 I'm an old lady, but I still believe in Santa. During the holiday season, I take every opportunity (and I mean every one) to visit with him and tell him how extra good I've been all year. Honestly, message consistency and repetition are so, so important. Happy reminders for the big guy are never a waste of my time. 

See below for this year's Santas!

Holiday Open House at The Township! We told him we'd been veryvery good.

I caught up with Santa again at the Governor's Mansion during Capital City Lights! 

When we told him how well-behaved we were, Santa said that he seems
to get that same story from everyone

Hubs corroborated my excellent behavior with Santa at Deck the District. 
(External validation is important.) 

The Santa in Natchitoches got a big kick out of us! 

Only a couple of days before Christmas, I got the chance to make
my case one more time with Santa at Dogmud Tavern. 
