Year of the Tiger

Hubs and I are celebrating the Chinese New Year this year! From what I understand, the Chinese New Year is celebrated for up to two weeks in various ways. Since we are tired, old people, we are just picking one night that falls within the two week period to make fun Chinese food, observe a few Chinese customs, and shoot off a boatload of fireworks.

I found a bunch of cool paper lanterns at a local party store, as well as some other indoor decorations. Then, I went to a nearby Asian food market and picked up some cool foods to try, in addition to some neat-looking joss paper. Hubs and I have a set of chopsticks that we bought in NYC's Chinatown this past fall, so we'll be breaking those out, and I found some pretty red Chinese fans and fancy gold-wrapped candy (meant to look like an old form of Chinese money - for wealth in the new year) to give out as favors.

Any ideas on a main course? I've read it's customary to serve a dish containing long noodles, because they symbolize long life. What about some peanut/chicken/noodle/veggie stir fry? Thoughts?

I might do dumplings for the appetizer (popular for new year celebrations because, again, they are shaped like an old form of Chinese money), and with the noodle dish for an entree, we'd just need a light dessert. I know NOTHING about Chinese desserts. Anybody ever try something they thought was really good? I found an Asian almond cookie recipe online that looks promising. Does that sound like a yummy ending to dumplings and chicken noodle satay?
