A Year of Intention

My vision board for 2024!

Once the din of the holidays dies down a bit, most people turn to reflection. As I have a birthday early in the year, this may be even more true for me. 

Birthdays are good opportunities to 
celebrate *and* reflect!

At the beginning of 2024, my friend Kelly hosted a vision board party. Everyone brought tons of magazines for clipping (I find Oprah's O Magazine a really strong source for this type of thing.), and Kelly had great food and drinks, poster boards, and glue for everyone to use. 

We snacked, we talked, we laughed, and we all spent some time thinking about what kind of year we wanted to have. When I got home, I hung my vision board up on the wall in my bedroom. It's very visible, and I look at it every day. 

I loved this party. I've done vision boards before, but never as part of a group. There's something very therapeutic about thinking through the future with your close friends. One of my main takeaways was that I wanted to plan for more magic in my life in 2024. (Six months into the year, I think I've done a pretty good job of it, if I do say so myself!) 

I also spent some time early this year celebrating my birthday in style, and with a lot different folks - dinner and cocktails with sweet Melanie at Bravo, a fantastic evening at the Library Lounge with book club buds, a gorgeous plate of appetizers with my sister Laura at CAET, dinner and a candlelit Mozart concert with hubs, a HUGE slab of cake and a Picasso art exhibit with my friend Laura, checking out Enzo with my birthday sister Anita. The list went on and on, but I am a big believer in celebrating everything you can. 

It was a great way to start the year with community, celebration, and magic! <3

Picasso. Art feels like magic to me. 
