Motorcycle Mama.

Until about a week ago, I had never ridden a motorcycle. And I'd always wanted to. I have a friend who's got a Harley, and I finally mustered up the courage to ask him to let me tag along for a ride.

We puttered all around downtown Jackson. It was terrifying, but absolutely thrilling!! I admit that I wouldn't let him drive much over 35 mph (I know, I know, I'm a total wuss.), but I have a child, people! I didn't want the little booger to grow up motherless.

I guess I just have a really cautious personality. When hubby and I watch game shows on TV, I'm always the one screaming, "Take the $64,000 and go!" while he's the one urging contestants to go for the million dollar prize.

The pavement was alrmingly close, and it was whizzing by at what felt like a pretty fast pace. It certainly makes you realize the fragility of all your own soft little parts, and of life itself.

BUT I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING. What a rush! (PLUS, don't I look like a badass in the helmet?! Don't I?!)
