Too much stuff!

I helped my mother clean out her closet this week, and I came to the trite realization that we all have too much stuff in our lives. So much stuff that we can hardly enjoy the life we have. (Or, as Wordsworth much more eloquently put it, "The world is too much with us.") In one closet alone, we bagged up nearly 8 kitchen garbage bags of things to toss, and two HUGE garden/leaf bags of clothing to give away.

I was so inspired (and appalled) that I came home and went through MY closet. Three bags of "give" clothes later (and a big pile of "maybe" clothes that I can't yet fit into after the pregnancy), I feel purer. And as I look at the piles of stuff everywhere, I wonder how on earth I accumulated all of this. My only comfort is knowing that there ARE people out there who are even worse than me about accumulating things. (Have you seen "Clean House" lately? Eeek!) At the very least, I do tend to purge my belongings once in a while.

And, hey, it's not just me. People have so much junk lying around that we event have a "Clean Out Your Closet Week" (the third week in March, by the way) and a "Clean Off Your Desk Day" (in January).

Consider this blog a call to action to go through your junk and sort it into "garbage," "give," and "keep" piles. I swear, you'll feel lighter.


Anonymous said…
Hi Nicole, I'm on the MississippiMoms board and decided to check out your blog. I haven't blogged yet, and I was curious to see what bloggers write about!

Well, I was very intrigued with 'too much stuff'. That is so true! We all have way too much stuff! I have purged so much stuff in the past few weeks and I intend to do more. Kid's toys are the worst. I see that you have a fairly young baby - I encourage you to nip the too many toys bug in the bud now! I have 2 girls, 4 and 1, and we have way too much stuff!

Also, I subscribe to (it's free) and she really emphasizes getting rid of the clutter in our lives. I really like her advice.

Good luck on decluttering!
Nicole Bradshaw said…

Thanks for reading!

I subscribed to Fly Lady at one time. BUT I was still working, and all the emails proved to be too much!

Are you planning on joining the MS Moms book club? We are meeting on Jan. 10, and we're reading "The Nanny Diaries." There's a thread about it online if you'd like to join us! I think Leilani is organizing it.

With two little people, I bet you have your hands full! My munchkin is 4 months!