Rocky Springs!
Then, we'd go exploring in the water. Mom was always telling us not to get completely wet. We were supposed to JUST WADE. But, inevitably, we'd "slip" and fall in! I remember golden days of laughter and picnics out there, and I couldn't wait to show Clay!
A couple of weekends ago, hubs and I packed a cooler, extra clothing, towels, and little man into the car. We found it pretty easily. The little church is still there, though they no longer hold regular services. Clay peeked inside the town's old rusty safe and examined all the tree roots that have been exposed due to erosion.
Before too long, we were in the water. A pair of Crocs protected little man's feet, leaving him free to search for neat-looking rocks, keep and eye out for minnows, and pretend that he was Lewis and/or Clark. He was all smiles as we poked along the creek. We stopped at lunchtime for PB&J sandwiches, oniony chicken salad with pita chips, fresh summer peaches, and squares of dark chocolate.
We also swung by Owen's Falls before leaving the area. I hadn't been there in years, and it's still as magical as ever. We walked along some of the trails there before packing up and heading home. Little man fell asleep in the car, and when he woke up, he asked me when we'd be going back.
Life is some kinda good.