I go out walkin' . . .

Had to post - On Sunday, I bought booger one of those little push toys, the kind that are supposed to help kids out with their balance and encourage them to walk. We put it together Sunday night, but he didn't really get his hands on it until Monday morning, when he discovered that he could quite speedily race around the living room with it. It is so funny to see him lumbering past the couch. He can't steer very well, so we're frequently called on to turn him around when he's got himself stuck somewhere, but he is very pleased with himself.

And on Monday, he took his first tentative steps! Both hubs and I were there to see it. Totally magical!

It's all going by so fast!! The kid has six teeth now, and soon he'll be walking. Eeeek!


Soon he'll want to stay up past bed time, then a cell phone, then car keys, and on and on.

It's a shame you can't give them a pill to stay little and innocent.
Supermom said…
the days go by so slow and the years go by so fast. =(