Eat less, move more.

I am happy to announce that I have lost 5 pounds of pregnancy weight! Now, I am between 2.5 and 5.5 pounds from the weight I was before getting knocked up. I started out tracking my calorie consumption and activity at, but I eventually just began trying to eat less and move more. Now that the weather's nice, I pack booger up in the stroller and try to walk two miles per day. I don't make it every day, but I do it enough to apparently help with the scale.

I've got 5 more pounds to go to achieve my "lose 10 lbs." goal in my 101 things. I've actually been able to take care of several things on the list during the month of March. (Woo to the hoo!) In a couple of days, I'll post an updated list showing my progress.



Webmaster said…
It's the oldest, most effective weight loss formula out there: eat less, exercise more. Good for you for kicking the baby fat!